WorldVue logo, with text in white and bird in sky blue on transparent background

Tag: student

image of student using phone and laptop at desk in bedroom, with WorldVue logo and text "Enhancing Student Housing with Connected Technology"

Enhancing Student Housing with Connected Technology

Standing out in the competitive student housing market requires more than just a good location and affordable rent. Providing an exceptional resident experience is key. Modern students seek a living experience that aligns with their tech-savvy lifestyles. In a recent survey, 62% of Gen Z respondents said that technology was extremely or very important in their living space and community. For property owners and managers, embracing connected technology is a strategic move to meet these

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2024 technology trends- digital infrastructure is the bottom line

2024 Technology Trends for Hospitality and Residential Properties – Part 1

As we close out 2023, many property owners and managers are considering technology investments for 2024. But what are the key 2024 technology trends for hospitality and residential properties? What investments will be most beneficial to improve the guest/resident experience? And how will technology help to solve business challenges in the hospitality and residential markets? To answer these questions, our two-part series offers helpful advice based on our expertise and data from 2023. In Part

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graphic suggesting WiFi networking, with WorldVue bird logo and text saying "Are You Ready for 6 GHz WiFi?"

Are You Ready for 6 GHz WiFi?

WiFi Technology Is Changing – Meet 6 GHz WiFi Modern life is becoming increasingly reliant on secure, reliable, high-speed wireless connectivity, and WiFi solutions are evolving to keep up. In 2020, the FCC opened up some of the 6 GHz spectrum band for unlicensed use, intended primarily for WiFi, marking the most significant technology leap for WiFi since its invention. Both the WiFi 6E standard and the upcoming WiFi 7 standard will use 6 GHz

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download graphic for 7 Tech Trends for Student Housing

7 Technology Trends to Transform Student Housing

Both on- and off-campus, the nature of student housing is changing. Instead of bleak collections of impersonal rooms on endless hallways, dorms and student apartments are becoming more like mixed-use housing, either self-contained on campus or within larger communities. Students are looking for places where they can study, collaborate, relax, and engage, along with the amenities to support their daily activities. To remain competitive, universities and owners of student housing properties need to incorporate the

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students watching TV and eating pizza on a couch

7 Technology Trends to Transform Student Housing

Not Just the Same Old Dorm Both on- and off-campus, the nature of student housing is changing. Instead of bleak collections of impersonal rooms on endless hallways, dorms and student apartments are becoming more like mixed-use housing, either self-contained on campus or within larger communities. Students are looking for places where they can study, collaborate, relax, and engage, along with the amenities to support their daily activities. To remain competitive, universities and owners of student

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smaller version of WorldVue banner

Introducing WorldVue

A New Name for Familiar Solutions and Service Who Is WorldVue? You might not recognize the name WorldVue, but you know us. World Cinema has been servicing the hospitality market since 1974 and currently serves over 7,000 properties and 900,000 rooms in North America. Hospitality WiFi, which has been serving hospitality customers since 2001, was acquired by World Cinema in June of 2022. Now, we are unifying as one company, WorldVue. By providing multiple solutions

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students sharing laptop

The Importance of Student Housing Connectivity

Inconsistent student housing connectivity is the biggest issue impacting today’s student communities. Having spotty Wi-Fi connections is difficult to deal with if wireless access is your only means of getting online. Robust internet connectivity is no longer an added amenity for apartment communities, it is an essential part of the renter experience. The student housing market is experiencing unprecedented levels of demand in addition to higher occupancy rates and therefore, rent growth. Because students are paying more

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student taking a mental health break with headphones and a laptop

4 Ways Student Housing Technology Can Improve Mental Health

This year, student housing technology looks a little different. To prepare for more online classes, students need adequate Wi-Fi connectivity and a safe place to perform coursework. Student Mental Health – What can student housing technology providers do to help? Over seventy percent of college students said they feel an increase in stress and anxiety from the pandemic (Journal of Mental Health). With school starting again, students are going to have a lot on their

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students outdoors sharing laptop

4 Solutions Student Housing Owners Should Invest In

The student housing industry is facing a significant increase in connectivity demand due to the ongoing pandemic. With classwork and meetings transitioning online, students expect constant, exceptional internet connection. Student housing providers must adapt to this increasing demand, providing connectivity solutions to accommodate this new group of students’ needs. WorldVue Digital Infrastructure™ meets the needs of owners while keeping students happy through wireless connectivity. Trusted, Reliable Wi-Fi Student life is transitioning online, making comprehensive and

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students gathering at coffee shop using tablet to order

3 Technology Trends Shaping Student Housing

The student housing market is bringing stronger demand and higher occupancy rates, as well as rent growth. Encouraged by fully opened campuses, students have been signing leases in record numbers over the past few months. These students are expecting additional amenities. Recent surveys show that 62% of young renters believe apartment technology is an important part of their rental experience. Below are the 3 Most Important Technology Trends for students: Smart technology Today’s students are

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