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Tag: senior living

person using mobile phone for smart room controls, with WorldVue logo and text saying "Transforming Multifamily and Senior Living Communities with AI"

Transforming Multifamily and Senior Living Communities with AI

Residential communities are undergoing a significant transformation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). From senior living to multifamily and mixed-use properties, AI is revolutionizing how we manage and interact with our living spaces. Staying abreast of these AI-driven trends is crucial for properties that want to remain competitive. Here, we explore ways AI can improve the resident experience while improving profitability and sustainability. Enhancing the Resident Experience As smart home devices become an integral

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WorldVue logo and text "Structured Cabling: The Backbone of Property Technology" over photo of structured cabling in background

Structured Cabling: The Backbone of Property Technology

Like most modern enterprises, hospitality and residential properties continue to experience an increased need for bandwidth. The rise of streaming video, digital voice systems, videoconferencing, and other data-heavy applications has posed challenges for traditional cabling approaches. Hotels, MDUs, student housing, and senior living properties need fast networks to support Internet use, phone systems, entertainment solutions, and more. These networks must also be highly reliable and adaptable to accommodate growth and new technology solutions. To meet

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older man using tablet, with WorldVue logo and text that says "Connected Technology for Senior Living: 5 Ideas for Combating Loneliness and Isolation"

Connected Technology for Senior Living: 5 Ideas for Combating Loneliness and Isolation

Connected technology for senior living offers ways to combat loneliness and isolation. Loneliness and Isolation Are Major Health Concerns for Seniors As the median age of the US population continues to rise, it’s essential to consider the well-being of seniors. In particular, loneliness and social isolation are concerns, with research showing that nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Loneliness and isolation have been linked to many physical

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2024 technology trends- digital infrastructure is the bottom line

2024 Technology Trends for Hospitality and Residential Properties – Part 1

As we close out 2023, many property owners and managers are considering technology investments for 2024. But what are the key 2024 technology trends for hospitality and residential properties? What investments will be most beneficial to improve the guest/resident experience? And how will technology help to solve business challenges in the hospitality and residential markets? To answer these questions, our two-part series offers helpful advice based on our expertise and data from 2023. In Part

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graphic suggesting WiFi networking, with WorldVue bird logo and text saying "Are You Ready for 6 GHz WiFi?"

Are You Ready for 6 GHz WiFi?

WiFi Technology Is Changing – Meet 6 GHz WiFi Modern life is becoming increasingly reliant on secure, reliable, high-speed wireless connectivity, and WiFi solutions are evolving to keep up. In 2020, the FCC opened up some of the 6 GHz spectrum band for unlicensed use, intended primarily for WiFi, marking the most significant technology leap for WiFi since its invention. Both the WiFi 6E standard and the upcoming WiFi 7 standard will use 6 GHz

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