WorldVue logo, with text in white and bird in sky blue on transparent background

Tag: senior

person using mobile phone for smart room controls, with WorldVue logo and text saying "Transforming Multifamily and Senior Living Communities with AI"

Transforming Multifamily and Senior Living Communities with AI

Residential communities are undergoing a significant transformation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). From senior living to multifamily and mixed-use properties, AI is revolutionizing how we manage and interact with our living spaces. Staying abreast of these AI-driven trends is crucial for properties that want to remain competitive. Here, we explore ways AI can improve the resident experience while improving profitability and sustainability. Enhancing the Resident Experience As smart home devices become an integral

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older man using tablet, with WorldVue logo and text that says "Connected Technology for Senior Living: 5 Ideas for Combating Loneliness and Isolation"

Connected Technology for Senior Living: 5 Ideas for Combating Loneliness and Isolation

Connected technology for senior living offers ways to combat loneliness and isolation. Loneliness and Isolation Are Major Health Concerns for Seniors As the median age of the US population continues to rise, it’s essential to consider the well-being of seniors. In particular, loneliness and social isolation are concerns, with research showing that nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Loneliness and isolation have been linked to many physical

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smaller version of WorldVue banner

Introducing WorldVue

A New Name for Familiar Solutions and Service Who Is WorldVue? You might not recognize the name WorldVue, but you know us. World Cinema has been servicing the hospitality market since 1974 and currently serves over 7,000 properties and 900,000 rooms in North America. Hospitality WiFi, which has been serving hospitality customers since 2001, was acquired by World Cinema in June of 2022. Now, we are unifying as one company, WorldVue. By providing multiple solutions

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staff speaking with senior living resident

3 Key Technology Upgrades to Support Senior Living Staff

By 2040, the U.S. will be home to over 80 million adults ages 65 or older (NCAL, 2021). This projection is significantly higher than anything we’ve seen before, nearly doubling the 54 million we saw in 2019. As the nation’s elderly population grows, so does its demand for senior living staff and community support. Unfortunately, however, the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living found reported that 59 percent of senior living facilities have

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2 seniors looking at a tablet

Customer Service for Senior Living – Why It’s Important

Baby Boomers have changed senior care forever. The most technologically savvy group of seniors, today’s senior care residents need technology to continue living their healthy lifestyles. Senior care communities need to adopt a connectivity platform that takes care of residents with customer service. WorldVue eases the transition, providing television programming and internet connectivity for senior living facilities. WorldVue’s customer service mentality extends to the senior living space to improve technology adoption rates. Customized Programming WorldVue

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staff speaking with senior living resident

Improving Senior Living Staff Retention with Technology

Senior living facilities around the nation are asking: How can we recruit and retain senior living staff? The answer: Technology. Today, WCI supports senior living staff with smart technology solutions like remote surveillance monitoring, alert systems, and advanced sensor leak detectors. When staff isn’t held back by mundane duties, they can invest their full attention to satisfy residents’ needs and provide care. Likewise, it is increasingly important for senior living facilities to provide the right

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seniors viewing a tablet

Using Technology to Blend Hospitality and Senior Living

Senior living communities are adopting a resort-style hospitality approach to accommodate changing resident needs. This change in practice is largely a result of the technologically savvy baby boomer generation. Because of this, owners need to provide an engaging community experience in addition to medical care. There are clear benefits to a hospitality-centered approach for senior living communities. At its core, hospitality strives to provide comfort, privacy, and a high level of customer service to guests. Likewise, it is important to provide these same

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person viewing tablet and TV in darkened room

Resident Satisfaction and Senior Living Technology

As the Baby Boomer generation ages, senior living facilities must improve their technology systems to accommodate changing resident needs. The most technologically savvy group of senior folks, Baby Boomers are likely to adopt technology that advances their lifestyle and improves their level of care. Accessibility, connectivity, and communication are all modern-day conveniences senior living residents expect today. Comfortable Accessibility One of the greatest innovations is the IoT, the connected home. With customizable senior living technology

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